Je suis un sentimental 1955

Crime Thriller

Michel was just released from prison when he is suspected of having killed his wife as she was the one who brought him into prison. She also betrayed him with Rupert, a journalist not ...

Alle Titel
  • Édition spéciale
  • Küsse, Kugeln und Kanaillen
  • AT: Küsse, Kugeln und Kanaillen Küsse, Kugeln und Kanaillen
  • BE: Ik ben sentimenteel Ik ben sentimenteel
  • BE: Je suis un sentimental Je suis un sentimental
  • BR: Sou um Sentimental Sou um Sentimental
  • DK: Lige på - og hårdt Lige på - og hårdt
  • FI: Ei verta etusivulle Ei verta etusivulle
  • GR: Enas aisthimatias kavgatzis Enas aisthimatias kavgatzis
  • IT: Io sono un sentimentale Io sono un sentimentale
  • PT: Eu Sou Um Sentimental Eu Sou Um Sentimental
  • ES: Manos asesinas Manos asesinas
  • SE: Inget blod på förstasidan Inget blod på förstasidan
  • TR: Yosmayi vurdular Yosmayi vurdular
  • US: Headlines of Destruction Headlines of Destruction
Release 13 Jul 1956
Links IMDb
